Friday, 30 December 2011

Environmental Magazine

For this brief, I have been told to create two double page spreads for a fictional magazine called, Photography Now. The layouts should showcase your own photography on the Environment topic.The format of these pages is  200mm x 200mm per single page. I have decided to interpret Environment with weather, pollution. I think this will be a good place to start as there is a lot of pollution around where I live. I have started to come up with ideas of what I could include in my designs:

The power station is a main factor I will use in my project, this will have a lot of images of the power station as this is a large polluted area. I shall also look into technology that can also help the polluted earth; such as solar panels.

Transport is a big factor as well, as transport covers the most pollution from Britain with 33 million vehicles alone in England. This can also include noise pollution, although I have question marked this as I am not sure yet on how I can show noise pollution.

Finally waste and water pollution, this is making estuary's, and strands more dirty by people removing waste to areas where it is become more and more abandoned. This doesn't help with old boats chugging thought spiting petrol out into the water.

I am going to look at these points, and areas and photography them and place my own views about this in a magazine layout.

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